Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Using iReady on the iMacs

This summer iReady updated their system requirements.  So we can't use our older version of Safari. But here is a back way of using iReady.

After the student logs into the computer...let them double click the "Blended Learning" Folder.  You then look for the iReady icon and hold down the "Control" key and click (this is the same as a right click on a PC). Choose "Open With... Other"...then when the window opens, scroll down and choose "Google Chrome".  It will then ask for Authentication.  The student or you will then type in the student's same username and password.  He/she will then be rerouted through Clever to iReady.

Another Way:
Using Chrome, you can also go to  ...then "Students"...then "Student Software" and choose iReady.  This is how students work at home but can do it at school as well.

What is Lanschool?

LanSchool is a s​oftware application that allows teachers to manage the student laptops in the classroom. Teachers have the option to limit internet access to a few sites or a specific program. Teachers can view student laptop screens and send messages to all or individual students. LanSchool gives teachers the ability to present on all student laptop screens as well. This session will give classroom teachers a hands-on opportunity to see the power of LanSchool and how they can use the program to manage student access in the classroom.
We are in the process of waiting on the district to install the software on every student laptop and then we will be able to use this application.

Groups and Distribution Lists

I have been asked by several people what is the difference between an email group and a contact/distribution list.  Hopefully, below will answer your question.

What's the difference between an Office 365 group and a distribution list?

A distribution list is a set of email addresses. You can use the distribution list to send an email message or meeting invitation to all the addresses at once. An Office 365 group includes a distribution list but also includes a shared:
  • Inbox for group email communication
  • Calendar for scheduling group meetings and events
  • Library for storing and working on group files and folders
  • OneNote notebook for taking project and meeting notes
  • Planning tool for organizing and assigning tasks and getting updates on project progress
When you join a group, your email address is automatically added to the distribution list and you gain access to all group information. You don't have to wait to see group email or view a shared document. You join, you have access to everything, from everywhere: in the cloud, on the desktop, or on a mobile device.