Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How to Add a Networked Printer

First physically walk to the printer and choose "Menu", then "Reports", then "Network Setup".  When the page prints out carry that with you to your laptop.

Click the "Windows" button at the bottom of your screen go up to "Devices and Printers", then choose "+Add Printer".  Then click "Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer". Then choose "The printer I want isn't listed".  Then choose "Select a shared Printer by Name".  Make sure you have the setup paper you printed out because you are going to need it and type in the box :

 \\es3226vmcore\(the name of your printer from the paper)

The name of your printer usually starts out CP3226 or AP3226 for example you would type:


Then click next.  The computer will usually find the printer and connect just follow the prompts and print out a "Test Page".  You can then choose this as your default printer.

If this does not work, you can go back to "Add Printer" Then click "Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer". Then choose "The printer I want isn't listed".Then choose "Add a printer using a .TCP/IP address or hostname". Click "Next".  Then on your paper that you printed look for the IP address.  Type it in the box titled "Host name or IP".  For example 172.25.193  Click "Next"  The computer should find the printer...follow the rest of the prompts and print a "Test Page".  You can then set it as your default printer.