Next year, Mrs. Davis is going to request that each of you make an entry to your blog at least once a week. I thought you would like a heads up so that you could be thinking about how you would organize yours. Hopefully, you have taken the tour on the site I provided yesterday. I am sure some of you have already set up a site. If you have, would you please send me the link. And in case you didn't put my blog link in your it is again...
http://tomlinsonk.blogspot.comNow, I am going to pretend that I am posting a homework assignment so that parents and students can access it from any computer that is connected to the Internet. I am going to put this posting under the label/category of "
Science- Read pages 34-46. Answer questions on page 46.
Spelling- Use all words in sentences.
Math- Study for Tuesday's exam on Chapter 6
That is all you would have to post. It is as simple as that and only takes a few moments. Parents can stay informed and you have provided another documented source of communication.